As AMLTHINK, we believe in the importance of supporting our reporting entities as they seek to improve their compliance levels under AML/CFT. We support your efforts with the Self-Service AMLTHINK Compliance Report.
A compliance program should include the following measures:
1. Corporate policy and procedures
2. Risk management
3.Monitoring and control
4. Compliance officer
5. Training
6. Internal Audit
As part of the compliance program, it is mandatory to prepare a Corporate Policy taking into account the size of the company, the scope of the business, and the nature of the transactions carried out. The corporate policy should be submitted to the FIU for approval. The corporate policy should contain the following lines:
1. Risk Management
2. Monitoring and Control
3. Training
4. Internal Audit
Ensure Your Company Meets
AML/CTF Obligations
Use the AMLTHINK Compliance Report to assess whether your AML compliance program and corporate policies are sufficient.
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Bizimle iletişime geçin. AML Uyum Karnesi, uyum konusunda sizlere ileteceğimiz sorulara verdiğiniz cevaplar esas alınarak hazırlanır.
Risk Assessment
AML Compliance Report contains our assessment regarding your compliance level and the steps you need to take.
Your Inbox
The AML Compliance Report will be generated and sent to your email address within 24 hours of submitting the form.
The AMLTHINK Compliance Report is generated entirely according to your responses. This risk assessment does not mean that your level of compliance is subject to an independent assessment under the legislation and does not remove your obligations in this regard.
For your questions…
Contact us, leave your contact information. We'll be happy to call you and answer your questions.